Sep 1Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Some beautiful quotes and thoughts here which I totally align with.

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Thank you so much, I am glad you do!


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Hi Denyse, Thank you for sharing some lovely quotes. It's great that you've figured out what works for you and practices it. I do daily meditation and practice gratitude when I wake up and before bed. I also stay active in various ways, mostly in nature. #TeamWWWhimsy

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Aug 28Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Some nice quotes there. I think a lot about being happy is shaking off the shoulds. Understanding our timelines are different for each individual. And i guess, enjoying our differences when together with other people. People have more in common than they don't, they just need to realise it. #WWWhimsy

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Thank you for sharing. I get what you are saying. I never seek 'happy' as such because like all emotional states it is fleeting but I like contentment...or the ability to deal with whatever IS right now. I don't have great answers to that either when it goes awry. But I can help myself back to a semblance of being OK.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Hi Denyse what a lovely way to start your day. I've changed over the years and once would have been up and out for a walk or run. These days I do that once a week with my friend but on other days I wake early, make myself a coffee and enjoy the quiet before the world wakes up. #TeamWWWhimsy

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It's interesting isn't it Sue, that over time we grow and adapt. This routine of mine is almost a non-negotiable now, because it forms part of the rhythm of my day.

I do understand how you get your early start to the day and why.

Lovely to read your comment.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 28Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

These are all such wonderful sayings (and images!).

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Thank you Joanne. I am glad they resonated.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 28Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Thank you for sharing about the Calm app. I get a lot of personal encouragement from well made memes with bullet point thoughts like that. I will definitely be checking it out. I feel the need for meditation, but haven't found "the one" that supports me in a way that I find consistently doable.

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Thanks so much Karla. I hear you on finding the meditation app or program which works/suits you. I originally began in 2015 with Headspace App. I wasn’t as clued up then about what I expected from being more mindful. But around 2018 I needed a change and Calm with the program of Daily Calm and a lot more over the years has continued to be the one. I have at times tried a few others as samples but Calm is a home for me now. And I like the ways in which is brings both comfort and challenges as I need them. Take care, Denyse x

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These are great quotes and reminders. When I wake up the first thing I do is checking on my dog and getting myself a cup of coffee. Then I go back to bed, look out the window in my garden and say my daily prayer. It is a very personal prayer, like a meditation or conversation, that I have created for myself years ago. And in case times are tough it helps, too.

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What a lovely way to start your day Nina! I am so pleased you read my story & shared what your morning is like.

Something about starting a day in a meaningful way which helps through the many changes that we may come across.

Thanks for your words & following me here.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 28Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

These are great quotes Denyse. It's great that you've been able to get to a place, where you know what works for you. #TeamWWWhimsy

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Thanks so much Jennifer. It's a bit wobbly for me at the moment but I am giving myself lots of good inner talk as I continue to navigate this rather challenging time in life...which will pass.

Take care,

Denyse. x

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Aug 28Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Hi Denyse, love the quotes you've included in this post. Like you, I've had to find ways to help me through difficult times too. At the moment my yoga and pilates that I do each morning help and in the evening I spray the soles of my feet with Magnesium and I watch/listen to some distance reiki that seems to relax me and help me to drift off to sleep. Getting out in nature when I can helps especially when combined with a walk as movement is good for me too. I've had to reduce the expectations I place on myself too (lighten my load). Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy and I hope you're having a fabulous week! xo

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Thanks so much Min, we sure are fortunate to both have the tools to use and know the when. It is so good to know you are putting yourself first as much as you can. Great strategies.

And being kind to you and reducing expectations is SUCH a win for you Min!! Go girl.

Take care, and thanks for the link up.

Denyse. x

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Aug 28Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Great quotes Denyse and lots of useful thoughst you've shared here. Many thanks :)

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Yes I have been collating them for a while Deb, and they fit well into this kind of post about mindfulness and my learning over these past many years.

Not all days are wonderful of course, despite the plans I may make, but I have enough tools in the 'mind' to better self-help than ever.

It's good to feel that way these days I can tell you!

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 28Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Some lovely quotes. It's fabulous you've found something that works for you ...

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Thanks Jo. Not always 100% of course but they are embedded ways in which I know how I can help myself...

Take care,

Denyse. x

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Some really lovely quotes Denyse - and (being a quote lover myself) I can see how they'd be great catalysts for reminding yourself to keep your inner calm and a quiet centre as you go about the day ahead (equanimity!)

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Thanks so much Leanne. Yes those words we find from others which resonate are powerful reminders of our humanness and connections.

Take care,

Denyse. x

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