Okay, I'm intrigued. I look forward to the next update, Denyse.

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Oh I'm intrigued now Denyse!!

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I am both a homebody and someone that loves to travel; a weird combo I know but I do love exploring new places and seeing new things. I just find that after a week or two I am more than ready to be back home. I also try to make sure I have quiet places to retreat and rest on my own when we travel. I'll find a quiet place to sit and read and sip at my drink and just enjoy some solitude when I need. I'm very curious to see where your post leads...

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Oooh, wait, what?! Do I have to wait until next week??? Plans afoot? #WWWhimsy

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Hi Denyse, a little birdie told me what comes next but my lips are sealed. I'm looking forward to reading your next post! BTW - I love home too and I'm not extroverted but I love learning and exploring and experiencing new places so much and it is for that reason that I love to travel. Thanks for linking up again with #WWWhimsy - stay warm and well! xo

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Hi Denyse I'm looking forward to your next instalments. I've travelled quite a bit, but really don't feel the need to go overseas anymore. We are thinking of maybe doing our travel in Oz.

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Hi Denyse - I'll be following along to see what you decide to do next. We've shelved any travel plans for the near future as there's nowhere calling to us. We're happy being homebodies and staying local - not the usual mindset for retirees, but it works for us.....for now....

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