Aug 25Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

OMG, your poor brother! I can see why that's left a lasting impression that will come up. How you felt emotionally reminds me of when my brother split his head open and I cried and cried. I had to go to my aunts while he was patched up at the hospital and I was beside myself. He didn't cry at all and only remembers me crying haha!

I'm glad the trip ended on a high note.

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It IS scary as a child who is the onlooker I reckon. Thanks for sharing what your memory is too.

So glad I did find that wonderful scene to view as I returned home.

Thanks for popping by B.

Denyse x

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Aug 24Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Yes, Denyse, I have had similar experiences going back to a place of my happy memory to find it has changed so much that it no longer holds the same allure. You did get some lovely photos, though, and I'm glad the day ended on a high note.

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Yes at least I won't wonder any more. I was glad to get some scenery shots (away from so many people!) and I am grateful.

That view coming back down towards home was so good. I am pleased to have re-discovered the area too.

Thanks Christie.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 23Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Sometimes we need to travel to find out what we don’t need to do again!

As the saying goes - you hit the nail on the head there Denyse…….like you I’ve returned and vowed never to return again. Hahndorf is my ‘I’m not going back there again’ spot.

Changes in shopkeepers attitude for a start. Yes it’s a tourist destination but bus loads after bus loads (of visitors) deposited on the roadside who then wander several abreast willy nilly along those very tiny pavements spreading into small shops and cafes. We’ve tried different days (on different visits over there) but it’s always the same. Some shopkeepers are getting tetchy with anyone in their premises no matter how they are ‘ behaving ’ so they lost our custom.

They say travel broadens the mind - it also allows me to see what is acceptable

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Author

Why thank you so much!! It's not just me! And it IS a shame but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I paid for a ticket to go to a special event at a botanical garden in Sydney this past week. I drove there as public transport out of the question & whilst the organisers did mention parking might be hard to find.. it WAS & I didn't go. If you expect up to 5000 visitors who have paid up perhaps open up some areas the council owns for parking. Sigh! Take care, Denyse x

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Aug 21Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

I think there have definitely been places that once I've visited I've crossed them off my list and am content not to go back and then there are others that I just can't seem to get enough of!

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Ah yes I am like that too Joanne.

Knowing what we enjoy and want to do again is lovely when we can honour that!

Denyse x

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Aug 21Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Hi Denyse, it's a bit sad to revisit a place that has great memories (and some not so great) and it's not what you remember but at least now you know. On another note it is so brave and adventurous of you to do that trip (I assume on your own?). I can't stand rudeness and yes that would definitely put me off returning somewhere. Beautiful photos captured though Denyse! Thanks so much for linking up with #WWWhimsy - it's always very much appreciated. xo

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Thanks for your kind words of understanding Min. I actually prefer to travel solo...there I said it. I am now able to do that with greater choice as we have two cars again.

I know I do miss out on the shared experiences but I have found that I spend far too much time concerned for the others traveller(s) with me that I don't enjoy for myself. So, yes I take my courage and my reliable car (and I hope it stays the same) and enjoy my solo time, listening to audiobooks and stopping where I choose.

Whilst B would like to be well enough to join some of my trips he is more comfortable at home and just being around here and he enjoys my stories when I get home.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 21Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

I really hated my last trip to my home town Edinburgh in 2018, that when we went to Europe in 2023, I just didn't want to go, and we saw family and friends in London instead. Will see how I feel next time we go over.

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That would have been very hard to experience that Barbara and I am understanding how that could be.

I admit I am taking a trip sometime in the next few months to the city where I was born and lived till I was 10. I am going to view it with a few different lens - my memories and that of gratitude for the lives of all those I am related to who are no longer here...and that's my parents and grandparents.

I like the approach you are taking now about next time you go.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 21Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Denyse, you had a mixed day. I find that when I go back to my home town, I'm more disappointed each time at the changes. Not sure if it's real or just nostalgia. That view is beautiful and amazing that it is so unchanged.

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Interesting you write about that too Jennifer. When we came back from time to time (2015-2022) to where we are now living again, we couldn't bear seeing "all the changes" and the traffic...but now we are settled back (lived in local area from 1978-2014) it all seems fine!

The Blue Mountains showed themselves very well that day...and I was glad to find a few spots where I could enjoy them without extendable selfie sticks getting in my shots!!

Take care,

Denyse x

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Time marches on Denyse. I find as I'm getting older that I don't like the changes. Your photos are great Denyse. You manage the selfie stick well.

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Aug 21Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

That’s a really good post. Nostalgia is actually the ache and sadness of not being able to return to a place - you can physically turn up but it’s not the same. I think we often forget when we bring to the table on any journey. I love that you still found a reward tho. And I will def check out that look out. How fab. I don’t know it! #wwwhimsy

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I kind of already knew I would have some negative responses to the area but the “Rudeness” I encountered at the various viewing platforms at Echo Point was not good. Tolerating it somewhat but enough was enough. Still, I managed some great nature shots and I am pleased that I could.

Unless you chose to come up the Mountains via the Hawkesbury area you would not even know about this way but it is a nice drive up, and you come out at Great Western Highway at Springwood. I was impressed that at least the GWH was now dual carriage both ways! It had not been completed before we left Sydney in 2015.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Aug 21Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

This doesn't sound like the best day in some ways but in other ways it turned out well for you! We haven't been there for ages bit it's always been a popular place. Parking is a problem in so many places these days isn't it? Glad you enjoyed your day in the end and you did it!!

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Deb, in some ways I was less than prepared than I might have been. I have been used to taking a portable snack with me to tide me over and in this day I didn’t and hunger does not help mood! However, I have been there and done that now, and look forward to my 2 nights in Canberra soon. Parking - the lack of it, turned me away from seeing the Cherry Blossoms in the Auburn Botanical Gardens yesterday. But I am pre-booked for parking at Darling Harbour this Sunday for my matinee attendance at Hamilton.

Take care,

Denyse x

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Hi Denyse, beautiful photos and I haven't visited the Blue Mountains for quite some time as I mentioned in a previous post. I'm sorry that it triggered negative memories for you. Alas, all these beautiful areas become over crowded with tourists don't they? I wonder where your next adventure will be? #TeamWWWhimsy

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Ah yes Sue, I did get the lovely compensation of those views in nature! And I anticipated I may have not found much change in the area …and that was true but for the costly parking. Ha! I am booked for a solo trip in my red car to the nation’s capital mid September! Staying two nights. I haven’t driven that far for years but with towns to re discover once I am out of Sydney I will enjoy the sights (and coffee ) along the way!

Take care,

Denyse x

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Hi Denyse - we did the tourist visit to the Blue Mountains several years ago. It's a pretty place, but you're right, there were a lot of people there. Sorry you had to compromise on your coffee but glad you found some and a peaceful place to enjoy it.

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Thank you Leanne. It’s always good to learn from experiences like this and it’s taught me to take a snack with me as well! I will definitely be back to the lookout again. And less than an hours from home!

Take care,

Denyse x

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