Sep 2Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Happy memories are the things that get us through times of grief and sometimes a thought will pop into your head out of the blue months and years later that will reignite those feelings.

Take care

Deb (from Deb’s World UK)

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Thanks Deb, that is so true. It's quite an interesting time there is no doubt about it! You do sound like you know what it's like too! Cheers, Denyse x

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Sep 2Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Thanks for sharing this very personal time Denyse and I continue to wish you well as you grieve and record all that you need to about these times. Take care x

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Thank you. It's been really interesting in so many ways to be both living in these moments & reflecting. And taking time to recognise what life's been like for quite some time.

I'm doing ok but realising I need to acknowledge how life has been ...for a longer time than I thought... future post idea already forming!

Thanks again Deb for your kindness & understanding

Denyse x

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Aug 30Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

That six months seems to have flown by - life really does move on, doesn't it? I'm glad you're finding a way through your grief with your words. Take care ...

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Thanks Jo. It seems a life time ago too! I am grateful to be able to use this writing space. It really does help.

I am being very mindful it's Father's Day tomorrow but like all days, they move on. I will be OK..and I AM OK!

Denyse x

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Aug 30Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Happy birthday to your husband. Also sending love as you remember the day your father passed.

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Thank you so much lovely Christie!

Denyse x

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A bittersweet day for you Denyse - celebration for Mr B but sadness at the loss of your Dad. I can't believe it has been six months already. Life around us does keep moving on despite us still grieving. I'm sure writing has and will continue to help you. Thanks for sharing at #WBOYC? Take care, my friend. x

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Time is a very weird concept isn't it Sue. Thanks so much for your thoughts and kind good wishes.

Denyse x

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Aug 30Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Happy 74th to your husband! It's funny how special dates for birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations often coincide with sad or grief-filled events and it can sometimes make it harder to celebrate the good stuff. That clash of feelings can be tough to deal with but I think having some quiet reflection time was a great solution.

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It IS so true Joanne. It's like life is trying to teach us lessons like this. And I am happy enough to take them. I am enjoying some more contemplative times now.

Denyse x

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Aug 30Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Happy Belated Birthday to B, Denyse. Special dates can be difficult, but you have lovely memories here. Thankyou for sharing your memories. Take care x

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Thanks so much Jennifer, they can be but I continue to honour whatever those days are about. I am a 'date' person. I still remember birthdays of kids I went to school with!!

Denyse x

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Aug 30Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

It's a hard time, I hope listening to Benny Goodman makes you smile tho. And I'm glad you had very happy occasions this month too. Happy Birthday to your lovely husband.

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Thank you. I am doing well I think..and its almost over for me and my brother as executors. We are glad we always knew of Dad's intentions and he was an accountant (as is bro) so it was done well. The Benny Goodman "Let's Dance" was a fave of Dad's and it accompanied the slideshow for his 90th!! My daughter used a different selection of music for his Celebration of Life...including "What a Wonderful World" tear jerker. Dad and I shared a similar taste in music and I much preferred music from his era so I have a few playlists I call memories of Dad. B reads this so I think he will see your HB wishes! Thank you. D x

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Aug 30Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

Hi, Denyse - Thank you for joining us at WBOYC and sharing this important time for you. Happy belated 75th your your husband. My husband turns 77 this month. Big hugs to you on the memory of your father.

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Thank you for the warm wishes for B. And HB to your man too!! Yes, the markers of time can be a challenge but we are all doing pretty well.

It was good to be able to share this for WBOYC.

Denyse x

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Hi Denyse - happy belated birthday to Bernard - nice that he could celebrate with all the family because that's what feels the most special about birthdays now we're older. I hope the grieving process for your dad is getting easier and that you can look back at the happy times now and they outweigh the sadness (and all the stuff that goes with losing a loved one).

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Thanks Leanne for the Birthday wishes for Bernard. I am glad we did get to celebrate B's birthday with the family. Dad, when he was somewhat lucid in hospital, remembered we had a family party for B.

Things are going pretty well but I am the kind of person who "marks" dates!


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