Those are some really wonderful 4 letter words! I could think of ways that they each applied to my life too.

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Hi Denyse, you've certainly come up with so many positive and uplifting 4 letter words. I love the photo of you with the Sydney Harbour Bridge behind you. It is always a magnificent view. x

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I love the positivity in this post Denyse. I really enjoyed reading your perspective on each word and the photo you matched to the word.

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What a thoughtful and positive post - that's a great set of words right there. I think you did well to come up with so many :)

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Interesting list, including which words made the list - Time in particular (and glad you are home). The photos are really interesting (of your 24 hours away). We don't normally see this view of ourselves. What made you take the photo with the sunnies? It's most interesting that you did and I think it really makes that collage important - we are constantly in flux. Our feelings eb and flow, even when doing luxurious things, even when treating ourselves, even when doing something of our choosing. We can never control everything, esp our feelings. I would like to try this out....I will let you know if I do. Clever you to think to do it....#WWWhimsy

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deletedJun 19
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I meant more why did you take the photo when you weren't happy. This is not something we naturally do, or if we do we plaster on a smile. That usualy shows inour eyes but your sunnies would have hidden it. I've been thinking how my face must look in the last 24 hours - when I'm walking the dog, at the shops, playing on my phone...I think it's an expreiment I wnt to try.

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Even tho I'm not a selfie taker - ha!

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deletedJun 20
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It makes it really thought provoking (the collage).Well done you!!

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Hi Denyse, your thought provoking post really resonated with me today. I read and always appreciate your posts. With the amount of negative in the media today it was uplifting to read your 4 letter words. Shall be thinking of some of my own today. Go gently ..

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Hi Denyse, what a great bunch of positive 4 letter words. This post reminds me of how much I miss my visits to Sydney. I used to visit quite frequently when my sister lived there and I had a few visits as part of the BUPA alumni related to my blogging. If I get to visit again one day, I'll be able to arrange to meet up with you in person for a coffee or something now you're back in Sydney. There's another positive! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy and I do hope you're having a wonderful week! xo

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Some very positive 4 letter words to be sure.

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Hi Denyse - what a great list of positive words that are full of gratitude and self-awareness. I was surprised you came up with so many! It's good to see you in such a great frame of mind and to share in your sunshine living the life you've settled into. Very blessed indeed <3

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