Aug 25Liked by Denyse Whelan Writes Here

I recall you sharing all of these moments and how hard it was for you to travel away from home. It has been so good to see your growth. I see so much of myself in your words and having seen you tackle those fears throughout the years give me hope that one day I will be able to do the same. I look forward to following your new adventures!

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I am so pleased to see you here and making these kind observations. I reckon, dear B, that between the two of us we are pretty good at overcoming some of our fears. I LOVE how much you and the family are travelling to do what you love!

Take care, and big thank you for reading and commenting.

Denyse x

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You just do it how it works for you. NO one should pressure you into doing these things. Take it slow and easy and build that confidence.

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Hi Denyse, You're doing a great job overcoming your fears and planning some trips. I wish you a wonderful time at each and every trip you make. I look forward to hearing about them when you return. #TeamWWWhimsy

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Canberra is such a great destination and Floriade is fabulous - you will have a brilliant time. I think you've come so far - I remember when going to the coffee shop was a big deal and now you're doing day trips to Sydney and heading off to the capital! As Dr Seuss says, "Oh the places you'll go!" and best of all, you'll be doing it in your own time and at your own pace. Love the new wheels by the way, B must be thrilled!

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Hi Denyse, I can actually relate very much to what you've written here. I know I've done quite a few trips and travel of late but all of them have been with my husband. There was a moment in Fiji where I had a panic attack. Terrible anxiety! We had arrived and got our luggage. My husbands suitcase was missing a wheel - was damaged in transit! We went out to meet the lady who was in charge of our transit from the airport to Port Denarau (for the catamaran over to the island). She advised my husband to go back through the gates we'd just come to see about compensation or replacement etc of our suitcase (it turned out neither was available to us). He was gone for ages! I stood alone in the airport in Fiji and I worried the bus would need to leave before he got back. My anxiety climbed out of control and I had a panic attack. When he finally came back I burst into tears. I had got myself into such a state. So the point of this story is to let you know that anxiety can plague many of us. I also have an ever growing fear of flying - it's mostly the landings that trouble me, and the fear of turbulance. Take-offs are a bit anxiety inducing too. I face these fears as you do because I absolutely love discovering and exploring new places and I love the adventures along the way. There's nothing wrong with you Denyse. You're amazing at how you've faced these fears. Your day trips and explorations are admirable. You wil love Floriade by the way. I went there with a girlfriend in 2017. Search on my blog and you'll see I did a post on it. We stayed within walking distance away and loved the whole experience. Make sure you get a ticket to the Nightfest too - the beautiful light displays are a must! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy again Denyse - best wishes to you and your hubby. xo

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Hi Denyse it is quite understandable to have a fear of travelling especially on your own. Two fears - one travelling alone but also worrying about Mr B at home. As we age we can let ourselves be overwhelmed by fears but you are doing a wonderful job in overcoming yours and planning some adventures. Good for you xxx

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deletedAug 8
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Yes easier said than done. I’m like that with Mike. I went to Sydney for two nights last year and was concerned about him but we also have to trust they will look after themselves. The good thing is you have family nearby now in case anything should go wrong and you aren’t there. Such a comfort knowing that. The last time was in the Blue Mountains was about 15 years ago when I went on a 4 day walk. It is so beautiful there. Just rug up with layers and enjoy yourself. Looking forward to the photos. xx

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I am amazed by your courage and your insight, Denyse. I also appreciate your willingness to be vulnerable and share your experiences with us. How exciting that you may expand those life-story posts into memoirs. Enjoy your upcoming trips! I'm wishing you and your husband good health and happy days.

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Oh I hope these trips you have planned go so well! I think moving from day trips to just overnight trips, to a bit more, etc. is a great way to deal with your fears and slowly increase that exposure therapy. I love your husband's new car too.

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Have an awesome time at Floriade - always a great reason to visit Canberra.

What are some of the other places in the national capital you're thinking of visiting?

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Denyse, you have been incredibly brave explaining all the issues you have faced in your life. If you feel able to revisit those areas to complete a memoir, then you should definitely have a go. I am sure there are so many people who would benefit from hearing your story, especially if they are facing similar issues. Even if you decide not to make your memoir public, it will be a wonderful legacy for your family. Keep going with your steps back to travelling and exploring.

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deletedAug 7
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Yes I guess family may feel they already know our story but often there are elements of our lives they may have missed.

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Thanks again Denyse for sharing what's been happening in your world and in your thoughts lately. I'm a big fan of Patti Miller. Years ago I came across her at a writers festival event. I have True Stories. It's wonderful. I have done all the exercises in the book and felt that they improved my writing at the time. You have reminded me that I really should revisit it, as it's been a while. I say yes to the memoir writing, as you are already doing it in short form.

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Hi Denyse, this all sounds so positive and go you! The memoir writing is a great idea as are you solo trips. We still have two cars and often my husband will query if we actually need both but I'm hanging onto my little orange car for as long as I can! It's so good that you've been able to get another car as it means you can both be independent. Take care and keep planning! #TeamWWWhimsy

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That’s great. And very exciting! Both the memoir writing (you’ve already got a lot of drafts that can be reworked together.)

And well done on going away. Little overnight trips can feel like you’ve been away for ages. I’m a big fan of the overnight adventures - something I started with the kids in the holidays when we weren’t going away. (Make sure you are in all the hotel/booking.com memberships as it doesn’t take long for a free night).

As you point out, even day trips make you feel like you’ve escaped to somewhere new! And that is revitalising. What’s that Pratchett line? The point of travel isn’t to see new places, but see home with new eyes. The memoir will do the same thing. Go you!! No grass growing under your feet!

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Hi Denyse - lovely to see you making future plans for your travel and for your writing. I've never been interested in memoirs or genealogies or autobiographies, but I know there are millions of people who are. I'm also very content on my own home turf and the travel bug isn't biting me atm - but who knows what the future holds in that regard. It seems like everyone who gets on a plane comes back with covid or some other contagious disease these days - and that just lessens the appeal even further. Good luck with all your plans and for having new goals to achieve in the months and years ahead. x

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Oh I’ve been tracking down some of Patti’s books. I got halfway through one of her books before the loan ended (I can’t read fast enough for library expectations these days).

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